Saudiarabien, Ryssland, Kina

Fatta Pennan | 2024-12-04
Även publicerade i AmnestyPress #4/2024

Kina: Fängslad för sin musik

Den uiguriska musikern Yashar (Yaxia'er Xiaohelaiti), avtjänar ett treårigt fängelsestraff i Kina för sin musik som publicerats på nätet, samt innehav av böcker på det uiguriska språket. Han dömdes i juni för extremism och illegalt innehav av extremt material som straff för att ha uttryckt sin kulturella identitet. I fängelset har han fått hälsoproblem.


Party Secretary of Xinjiang

Ma Xingrui

479 Zhongshan Lu,

Tianshan Qu,

Urumqi, 830041,

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,

People’s Republic of China**

Dear Secretary Ma,

I am writing to express alarm over the conviction on 20th of June 2024 of Yashar (Yaxia'er Xiaohelaiti), a Uyghur songwriter and musician. He is currently serving a three-year sentence in Wusu Prison, Xinjiang. I urge you to: Immediately and unconditionally release Yaxia'er Xiaohelaiti, also known as Yashar; Provide him with regular and adequate medical care, and ensure he is not subjected to torture or other ill-treatment; Ensure that Uyghur artists can express their identity without fear of persecution or arbitrary detention.


DATUM: Skriv före 1 mars 2025.

Ryssland: Nytt åtal för ställningstagande mot kriget

Den ryska lokalpolitikern Aleksei Gorinov har suttit fängslad i två år för att ha brutit mot censurlagarna efter att ha sagt att ukrainska barn dödas i kriget under ett fullmäktigemöte den 15 mars 2022. Nu åtalas han på nytt anklagad för att ha ”berättigat terrorism”. Båda lagarna används för att tysta dissidenter. Han har även blivit sjuk i fängelset.


Igor Viktorovich Krasnov

Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

Office of the Prosecutor General

15a Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street

Moscow, 125993

Russian Federation

Dear Prosecutor General,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the case of Aleksei Gorinov, a former municipal councillor of the Krasnoselsky District in Moscow, who is serving seven years in prison, and is now facing an additional charge for merely exercising his right to freedom of expression. Furthermore, Aleksei Gorinov’s health has significantly deteriorated while in detention. He has been repeatedly placed in a penal cell for minor infractions and denied adequate medical care. I urge you to take all necessary steps in order to drop the charges against Aleksei Gorinov and overturn his previous conviction, as well as release him immediately and unconditionally.


DATUM: Skriv före 31 december 2024.

Saudiarabien: Långt fängelsestraff för lärare

Den 24 september omvandlades den pensionerade läraren Mohammad bin Nasser al-Ghamdis dödsdom till ett 30 år långt fängelsestraff i Saudiarabien. Han har fällts för terroristbrott efter att fredligt ha kritiserat det saudiska kungahuset och utrikespolitiken på sociala medier.


Walid bin Muhammad Al-Sama'ani

Minister of Justice Riyadh,

Saudi Arabia Postal Code 11472,

P.O. Box 7775

Email: [email protected]

Your Excellency,

While I welcome the news that the unjust death sentence against Mohammad bin Nasser al-Ghamdi has been commuted, I am distressed to learn that the appeals chamber has resentenced to 30 years in prison and that he remains in detention for his online expression. Mohammad bin Nasser al-Ghamdi was convicted under counterterrorism law, including for posts in which he criticized the Saudi King and Crown Prince and Saudi’s foreign policy which are views protected under his right to freedom of expression. He is not accused of any violent crime. I urge you to immediately and unconditionally release Mohammad bin Nasser al-Ghamdi as he has been convicted solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression.


DATUM: Skriv före 13 maj 2025.

Fatta Pennan | 2024-12-04
Även publicerade i AmnestyPress #4/2024